
Smart environment

Environmental monitoring solution for wetland water bodies

Program overview
Wetland ecosystems are known as the "Kidney of the Earth" and the "Origin of Life". Wetlands play a very important role in nourishing water, maintaining the water cycle, purifying water, preventing wind and strengthening dikes, degrading pollution, protecting biodiversity, storing floods and preventing droughts, improving agricultural and livestock production conditions, maintaining regional ecological balance and providing tourism resources. In order to better understand the water quality of wetlands, online monitoring of wetland water quality has become an important tool for the scientific management of wetlands.
Scheme composition
The wetland water body quality monitoring system is a complex composed of automatic online monitoring instruments, electrical automation systems, industrial control, construction engineering, etc. It is a comprehensive online automatic monitoring system having online automatic analytical instruments as the core, and using modern sensor technology, automatic measurement technology, automatic control technology, computer application technology and related special analysis software and communication network.
Scheme features
Highly integrated systems, with a floor area of 1-20 m2 and customizable service;
As the method specified in the national standard is adopted, it is stable in performance indicators and high in accuracy;
Outer color steel sheets are designed, highly leak-proof, waterproof and impact resistant.
Reagent consumption is less and operating cost is low;
The application range is wide and the degree of commercialization is high;
With modular design, the system has a high degree of integration;
Full range of monitoring parameters (five conventional parameters, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, permanganate index), with factors expandable on demand
Industry application
https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=8613339102201 https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=8613586823203 广河县| 余姚市| 吉林省| 旬邑县| 侯马市| 黑河市| 井冈山市| 满洲里市| 丹凤县| 内丘县| 东明县| 寿光市| 会东县| 砀山县| 鄂尔多斯市| 尼木县| 巴林右旗| 朝阳市| 颍上县| 德令哈市| SHOW| 大丰市| 望城县| 扶余县| 麻阳| 周宁县| 乐业县| 怀化市| 南宫市| 鄂托克旗| 丽水市| 大方县| 来安县| 白城市| 灵山县| 濮阳市| 莒南县| 灌阳县| 安平县| 利川市| 绍兴市|