
AQ7050 PM2.5 particulate monitor

Product overview
The AQ7050 and AQ7060 atmospheric particulate monitors are based on β-ray technology and can be used to detect the contents of PM10 and PM2.5 in the atmosphere and to test and evaluate the concentration of particulates in ambient air quality parameters.
Performance characteristics
1. The in-situ measurement, silent and energy-saving design is adopted for the equipment;
2. Sampling and measurement are completed synchronously;
3. Dynamic heating reduces the loss of volatile particulates;
4. It automatically eliminates the interference of radioactive materials in the ambient air;
5. It has advantages of accurate measurement, intuitive reading, low working noise, low energy consumption and wide application range.
Industry application
Ambient air monitoring, leakage monitoring in industrial parks, regional background station monitoring, mobile environmental monitoring vehicles
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