
SP7220 fugitive dust (noise) monitoring system

Product overview
SP7220 fugitive dust (noise) monitoring system is mainly composed of a particulate testing unit, a noise testing unit, a meteorological five-parameter sensor, a data acquisition and transmission unit and a power supply system. It is mainly used to monitor PM2.5, PM10, TSP, noise, temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and direction. It can realize real-time remote online fugitive dust and noise monitoring.
Performance characteristics
1. Electronic cutting can be adopted to measure the concentrations of PM2.5, PM10, and TSP at the same time;
2. The circuit is provided with an industrial-grade embedded processor and can be suitable for harsh outdoor environment;
3. The industrial-grade data transmission module is selected, so that data transmission is stable and reliable.
Industry application
It is mainly used for monitoring open air unorganized emissions of construction fugitive dust and other dust in minerals and sand/gravel plants, coal storage yards, straw incineration, etc., as well as online real-time monitoring of ambient air quality in residential areas, commercial areas, road traffic, construction areas, steel and cement dust-producing companies.
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